
DentoXpert Dental Clinic is happy to take care of your dental problems so you can put them behind you.

In the Hiranandani Estate, DentoXpert Dental Clinic is renowned For its expertise in dental care. We offer a variety of tools and technology that are intended to calm you down while we operate on our patients' teeth.

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DentoXpert Dental Clinic

Missing Teeth

Dentures, dental bridges, or dental implants are available options to replace lost teeth and improve appearance and function by the DentoXpert Dental Clinic's Dentist in Vartak Nagar, Thane.

missing tooth recovery

Dentures (at DentoXpert Dental Clinic in Thane)

Missing teeth often get replaced with dentures by the DentoXpert Dental Clinic's Dentist in Vartak Nagar, Thane. A thoroent of your oral health kicks off the entire process. This includes a checkup on your ugh assessmgums, any remaining teeth, and, if essential, X-rays. To guarantee a secure fit for your unique dentures, precise impressions of the gums are obtained. Before establishing a denture, it could be necessary to eliminate any unattractive teeth that are still present.

Your personalized denture is meticulously produced to closely resemble real teeth once the impressions are completed. It is altered to comfortably fit your mouth. To get the dentures to feel just right, you might need to make numerous alterations. By enabling you to chew properly and enjoy food, these removed prosthetics play an essential role in restoring both function and aesthetics.

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Dental Implant

Missing teeth often get replaced with dentures by the DentoXpert Dental Clinic's Dentist in Vartak Nagar, Thane. A thoroent of your oral health kicks off the entire process. This includes a checkup on your An enduring and long-lasting substitute teeth option is dental implants. The procedure starts with a thorough examination of your dental health, which may involve X-rays or a CT scan to check the condition and density of your jawbone.

During the implant placement surgery, a titanium implant has to be inserted into the jawbone in the former location of the lost tooth's root. The replacement tooth is supported firmly by this implant. Following implant implantation, osseointegration—during which the implant includes with the surrounding bone—can take place after a healing period of many months.

An abutment is fastened to the implant after it has fully integrated, and a custom-made crown is then mounted to the top. This crown is made in a way that matches the hue and shape of your hair.


Root Canal Treatment 

Diagnosis: The dentist of the DentoXpert Dental Clinic in Vartak Nagar, Thane identifies a severely damaged or infected tooth.

Pulpectomy: The infected pulp is removed, and the root canal is cleaned and disinfected.

Sealing: The tooth is sealed with a filling or crown to prevent further infection.


Cosmetic Treatment 

Missing teeth often get replaced with dentures by the DentoXpert Dental Clinic's Dentist in Vartak Nagar, Thane. A thoroent of your oral health kicks off the entire process. This includes a checkup on your A variety of techniques are used in cosmetic treatments to improve the appearance of your smile. Depending on your individual goals, the particular treatment you receive can involve:

Teeth Whitening: By removing stains and color change, professional teeth whitening can greatly improve your smile.

Dental bonding: To make chipped, discoloured, or deformed teeth look better, dental bonding is the process of placing of a resin that is tooth-colored.

Gum Contouring: For the sake of a more even and beautiful laugh the gumline has been altered using gum contouring.

These cosmetic procedures are created especially for you and result in a smile that is more enticing and self-assured.

smile by dentoXpert