DentoXpert Clinic
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Bringing Wellness to Every Smile!

DentoXpert Dental Clinic near you in Hiranandani Meadows is upbrining the joy of keeping your teeths clean and make shine your smile.

We at DentoXpert Dental Clinic offer several teeth cleaning, smile building and gums problems curing solution under one roof in very affordable price tags. Our team is specially designed to take care of children's tooth issues and old age's teeth issues. Besides this we also Design smiles of various beauty queens and kings but we believe Everyone here deserves best smile and shiny teeth so we offer wide range of painless treatments to rebuild your beautiful smile.

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Maintaining Clean and Hygienic surrounding!

Our treatments 


1. Why REPLACE  A  MISSING  TOOTH  is explained by DentoXpert's Dentist which located in Hiranandani Meadows, Thane

Have you ever had a tooth pulled out because it was too painful, moving around, or extremely cracked and damaged?

We typically believe that our work is complete and that our dental problems have been cured once the problematic tooth has been taken. But we fail to realize that after tooth extraction, restoring the missing tooth is the most important step.

Let Dentist in Hiranandani Meadows, Thane tell you why a missing tooth should be replaced. 

missing tooth recovery

1.            Function: Some of the functions of our teeth are

To properly chew food

To consume food.

• To promote proper speech and pronounciation

• To assist the muscles of the face and lip

• Your front teeth contribute to your appealing smile.

When teeth are missing and not replaced, the balance between our teeth is ruined, which weakens the aforementioned functions.


2.         Shifting: Our teeth act as excellent space maintainers.

When a tooth is lost, our teeth frequently move into the empty space. The teeth close to the missing tooth will shift or drift into the empty space. These teeth's gaps result from their displacement from their original positions. But because of how gradually this change occurs, it typically goes unnoticed. 

3.         DECAY: Food gets stuck between the teeth as a result of the gaps that have been made and the shifting of the neighboring teeth. Cleaning up this food lodgement is challenging. Finally, this causes tooth decay.

4.         GUM PROBLEMS: Because of continuous food lodgement, gums become inflamed. Pocket formation occurs between teeth and gums. There is a loss of attachment between teeth and gums. Gums tend to shift below the gum line, exposing the root surface of the tooth.

5.         Tooth loss: If a lower molar is absent, the opposing higher molar will gradually reposition itself downward. It eases out of the socket of the jaw bone. (In actuality, teeth cannot move because of the jaw bone, which retains them fastened in a stable position.) Because the tooth is migrating, the bone support is continuously decreasing. When the tooth is completely out of place over time, there is no longer any bone support. Teeth often shake and then gradually fall out. 

6.         AESTHETICS: Our lips and face muscles are supported by our teeth, which gives us a youthful appearance. The muscles in that area sag into the empty space left by missing teeth, giving the area an aged appearance. Additionally, if the front teeth are missing, they are noticeable when speaking and smiling. Your confidence is impacted by this.

7.         Chewing: Our back teeth perform the major function of chewing the food we WE EAT. If our back teeth are missing, then all the chewing forces come from the other teeth and surrounding bone. This hampers the health of other teeth and the jaw bone. Also, if multiple teeth are missing, efficient chewing is not possible. If food is not chewed well, it is not digested properly, and the body does not get the required nutrients. Slowly but surely, our health will suffer because of this.

8.         BONE LOSS: Over time, there is a significant loss of bone when a tooth is pulled. 

The idea is that we believe our condition is resolved when a tooth is pulled. However, if this lost tooth is not replaced, we are essentially inviting ten other issues. The longer we put off getting a replacement after an extraction, the more harm will be done to healthy teeth already present, the more expensive the repair will be, and the longer it will take.



•          A removable denture 

•          A fixed bridge 

•          An implant 

Teeth whitening

white by dentoxpert

The whitening technique, commonly known as bleaching, is used by the skilled dentist at DentoXpert Dental Clinic in Hiranandani Meadows, Thane. the method for bleaching teeth that have become discolored or discoloured over time.

Techniques: The two primary teeth whitening methods are at-home whitening kits and professional in-office whitening.

For quicker and more noticeable results, in-office bleaching uses stronger bleaching substances and specialist equipment. A DentoXpert dentist in Thane's Hiranandani Meadows frequently does it.

At-Home Whitening: Patients can whiten their teeth at home over a longer length of time without the use of dentist-recommended at-home kits by utilizing a gentler bleaching solution and customized trays.

Safety precautionary statements When employing certain methods, teeth whitening is typically risk-free.

Implants in the teeth

 Dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots implanted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth, are carried out by DentoXpert Dentist in Hiranandani Meadows, Thane. They are often constructed of titanium.

Osseointegration: Over time, a process known as implantation, an implant integrates with the jawbone to form a firm foundation for an artificial tooth.

Crown Attachment: After the implant has been anchored to the bone by a DentoXpert dentist, a custom-made crown that resembles a natural tooth in both appearance and function is attached to the implant.

Durability: The DentoXpert doctor in Thane's Hiranandani Meadows promises that dental implants in the jaw are a durable tooth replacement option that, with correct care and maintenance, would last a lifetime. 

Improved eating, pronunciation, and attractiveness are all advantage

Implants by DentoXpert


1. ROOT CANAL TREATMENT with DentoXpert's Dentist in Hiranandani Meadows, THANE 

When is a root canal treatment (RCT) done?

• Root canal surgery is done when the tooth's nerve is already infected or when the decay is dangerously close to the nerve.

• It is also done if the trauma that caused the tooth's nerve to die caused the tooth to become discolored.

The tooth, which has become infected, is essentially saved by the root canal procedure.

2. How is a ROOT canal procedure done by DentoXpert's Dentist in Hiranandani Meadows, THANE?

Root canal treatments at Hiranandani Meadows can be finished in one sitting or over the course of several appointments, depending on the extent of decay and the progression of infection. It is necessary to consider the patients' participation and time availability.

• The first step would be to remove all of the decayed tooth material and open up the tooth's canals.

The following step is to clean and disinfect the impacted area. The instruments employed are called files. These files can be run manually or using rotary machinery.

• With the help of a dentist from DentoXpert, the third stage comprises replacing the empty space left by the diseased nerve in Hiranandani Meadows with a biocompatible material called gutta percha. 


3. These are the steps for a root canal treatment. After the root canal is over, the tooth is filled with either a composite (tooth-colored filling) or a silver filling.


After filling the teeth, the dentist from DentoXpert in Thane's Hiranandani Meadows molds them so they can support a cap.

A cap must be worn following root canal therapy since illness has destroyed so much dental structure. The tooth becomes brittle and vulnerable to shattering as a result.

As a result, if a tooth is not protected, it runs the risk of breaking while you are eating, either the filling or the tooth itself.

• Capping will allow you to regularly use your root-canalized tooth.

• It would be effective to bite and chew.

• The restoration of statistics.

Dentoxpert, a dentist in Thane's Hiranandani Meadows, can assist with the root canal pain factor.

• Root canal procedures used to be perceived as being highly unpleasant. But new equipment and techniques have made


Have you faced this similar problem of bad breath? It's also called as Halitosis, often known as bad breath, is an offensive odor that emanates from a person's mouth when they exhale air. Stop worrying about bad breath we at DentoXpert Dental Clinic near Hiranandani Meadows can fix this

One of the most frequent issues that patients bring up when they go to the dentist is this.

• Halitosis may originate in the mouth (i.e., it might result from the oral cavity).

• Halitosis can also result from a systemic issue, such as a disorder of the nose, sinus, throat, lungs, stomach, etc.


• FOOD - Foods like fish, onions, and garlic can all contribute to bad breath. Everything we eat gets broken down and absorbed into our bloodstream. Later, it is transported to the lungs. The aroma of the food we consumed is released as we breathe.

Bad Breath cure by dentoxpert

• BRUSHING - Improper brushing and flossing might result in halitosis. Whatever we consume ends up stuck in the spaces between our teeth and below the gum line. In these regions, bacteria flourish. This bacteria converts the proteins in meals into amino acids. These amino acids subsequently degrade to produce odorless gases.

• TONGUE - Effective cleaning of the posterior (rear) section of the tongue is the most frequent cause of halitosis. On the back of the tongue, there are naturally many microorganisms present. Since this area is typically dry and challenging to clean, the germs keep growing and developing a coating. The layer created by food waste, dead cells, etc. keeps building up and emitting a foul odor. (image)

• GUMS - Food that accumulates below the gum line can lead to gingivitis, an infection of the gums. As the inflammation worsens, spaces begin to grow between the gums and teeth. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that grows in these crevices and below the gum line.

• DENTURE - If you wear dentures and don't practice good oral hygiene, such as cleaning them every morning and taking them out at night, this might lead to poor breath.



2. Diabetes 







Your youngster is more likely to fall and be wounded while playing on the playground. They typically hurt their lips and nose when they fall on their face. However, if they hit the ground too hard, it could break one of their front teeth. But don't worry! when DentoXpert Dental Clinic is here you don't have to fear! We  Dentist at Hiranandani Meadows can fix broken tooth.

Do not panic if this occurs to your child.

Here are a few straightforward actions you can take:

• The parent's ability to remain calm and collected is crucial because the child is already anxious about his teeth breaking. The child's nervousness will only increase if you exhibit terror in front of him or her.

• Inform your dentist, then go see him right away.

• Rinse the teeth in tap water to get rid of any muck or blood that may be there.

by dentoxpert

On the playground, your child is more likely to trip and hurt themselves. When they fall on their face, they frequently suffer injuries to their lips and nose. They risk breaking one of their front teeth, though, if they fall to the ground too quickly.

If your youngster experiences this, don't get alarmed.

Listed below are a few simple steps you can take:

• Because the child is already concerned about his teeth breaking, the parent's ability to maintain composure is essential. If you act terrified in front of the youngster, that will simply make them more anxious.

• Tell your dentist, then visit him as soon as possible.

• Rinse the teeth in tap water to remove any possible dirt or blood.